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Page 1694 - Yes, And…?
24th May 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?
To be honest, if you asked me what these visuals are supposed to represent, I’m not sure I could give you a straight answer anymore.
DM: Harmony is a force carried by both the ponies and the magic of the land. And now a part of that has wormed its way inside you.
Discord GM: I see. So undermining all of that will be a tall order, especially if I can’t fight directly.
DM: I’m honestly a little surprised you’re asking for my help. After all, you’ve had plenty of time to scheme and anticipate. I was sure you’d have a plan for this.
Discord GM: Plan? No, you should know by now I hardly “plan” anything. I have *ideas* aplenty. What may appear to you like a carefully woven chessmaster scheme spanning months and years… to me, it’s just taking note of cool ideas and then, later down the line, spotting the perfect timing to execute them.
DM: I see… Well, that’s a sobering peek behind the curtain.
Discord GM: Improv is a messy, beautiful tapestry.
DM: So, which “cool idea” feels right to you now?
Discord GM: Good question.
DM: <sigh>