Original Description:
UwU She so pretty
Name: Diana ‘Starsign’ Diamond
Bio: Diana is a brilliant and charismatic mare, she graduated honors from Celestia’s school for gifted Unicorns, soon after she jumped right back into her studies and got a masters degree in the study of Mythology and Occultism. Seeing as her mother and Aunt figures have seen so many of the myths and legends come to life and exist in the real world she wonders what other creatures are out there, or what other types of magic there are. Is the pony race the only ones to be able to use magic? Is magic ponies use the only type? Surely not, as she’s met Flutteryshy’s partner, Discord. Knowing that excites her! She’s always on the go and only stays in one place for a while if she needs to record something, or if her mother called her over to help her with a fashion show.
Extra: Diana fell in love with fairy tales when she was younger, most were told her her as bedtimes stories, but after her father told her the story of Star Swirl and how he was real and helped save Equestria, she wanted to learn so much more. Rarity loves that her daughter is smart like her father, but worries sometimes about her safety. Rarity herself has gone through a lot, but she is confident that any danger Diana will face, she’ll be able to handle. Sunburst sometimes joins his daughter on her expeditions when asked to by either Diana herself of a worried Rarity.