Original Description:
You can’t imagine what a nightmare it was to post it with a practically non-working DA and what a torment it was, but I hope, in the end, you will like it:з
Characters from left to right:
Star Spark (belongs to StarSparkYT and SerenaSparklYT )
Starshine Sentry (belongs to StarshineStellarYT and LightningDashYT )
Serena Sentry (belongs to serenasentryYT )
Serena Sparkle (belongs to SerenaSparklYT )
Stardust Sentry (belongs to StardustShadowSentry or llDawn-Ravenll I know she’s gone, but I really wanted to draw Stardust)
Coral Sparkle and Starflight Sparkle (belongs to Coral-SparkleYT , StarflightSparkleYT , PrincessMoonshineYT and CelestiaIsBestPonyYT )