Original Description:
Some shading experiments were attempted on this one :P
Sunny nursed her pacifier and laid her head back into the soft pillow, enjoying the warm rays. Her life had been wild ever since the Unity Crystals were brought together, and ponykind with them. The beach was a perfect way to decompress from a long week of work. Whoever said running a smoothie cart couldn’t be exhausting needed a good bapping.
Of course, most ponies didn’t lounge on the beach in a diaper and sucking on a pacifier… but Pipp had been rather insistant that she give her #FoalOutFridays trend a try. Sunny had been skeptical at first, of course. Beyond skeptical, in fact. Why would anypony in their right mind want to dress up like a foal and do babyish things? That sounded so boring. Not to mention totally embarrassing.
But then she tried it… as it turned out, diapers were WAY more comfy than she’d imagined. She’d always thought they’d paper papery and scratchy or something… as it turned out they were like soft little clouds that turned even the firmest bench into a comfortable seat. The scent of foal power was so calming and delightful too. It reminded some small subconscious part of her brain of simpler, safer times. Only now they were a little better, because she had the best friends a pony could ask for.
Sunny was never one to let the chance of humiliating herself hold her back. Her annual escapades in the CanterLogic factory were total evidence of that alone. Once she’d decided she liked Pipp’s little relaxation trick she decided to pair it with one of her own. Sun bathing on the beach! Was she embarrassed? Sure. Was she nervous? Definitely… but then… there were the towel. And that warm sand… and now nothing was on her mind at all but warmth and coziness.
“You are so adorbs.” Pipp squeed, leaning down. “Need another refill, Sunny, honey?” she asked, tapping the mostly empty foal bottle next to Sunny.
Okay, one thing was on her mind. She had a full tummy and she definitely wasn’t sure she was down for any more right now. Pipp seemed content to make sure that bottle never ran empty. She wasn’t sure what was up with that. “Hmrm?”
“Ice cold milk to keep our favorite ‘little’ filly from overheating.” Pipp explained. “I’ll get you some more, no worries.”
Well, okay, cold milk was refreshing on a toasty day like this one. The day and her planned activities were also doing a great job teaching Sunny something else she hadn’t expected about diapers. They were GREAT at retaining heat. Her diaper was definitely in the territory of uncomfortably warm, but the extra powder Pipp brought with her seemed to help a lot with the sweating at least. Maybe she should be grateful Pipp was eager to keep her supplied with a cold beverage.
“Sheriff Hitch… is… why is Sunny in a diaper?” a passerby questioned, looking at the odd scene. Posey by the sound of her voice, but Sunny wasn’t really paying her much attention. She was warm… and now on the border of falling asleep.
“Just relaxing in her own way. Nothing to see here.” Hitch said dismissively.
“…is she… okay?” Posey asked.
“She is more than okay.” Pipp’s voice answered as Sunny slowly closed her eyes. “She is totally relaxed. Look at her, no tension at all.”
“I dunno… that seems a little… odd…” Posey commented uncertainly. “Is… that allowed?”
“It’s not, not allowed.” Hitch said with a shrug.
“It just seems kinda… I dunno weird for a grown pony to wear a diaper, don’t you think?” Posey suggested.
“What if she were incontinent? Or sick? You can’t tell ponies not to wear diapers, they might need them.” Hitch pointed out.
“But Sunny’s neither of those.” Posey pointed out.
“Posey, posey, posey… remember what we talked about being open-minded?” Pipp asked with a smile.
Sunny’s ear flicked as she heard Posey let out a soft snort. “Yeah… I guess…”
“C’mere, why don’t I show you my amaze #FoalOutFridays posts! You’ll LOVE them.” Pipp insisted.
“I-if you say so…” Posey said questioningly.
“Check this one out… I took this one a week before me and Zipp left to come live here in Maretime Bay.” Pipp declared.
“…Oh! That looks so soft..! And the green bonnet kinda matches my bows…” Posey trailed off.
As Posey trailed off, so did Sunny, right into a nap.