Original Description:
As you can see I decided to take those MLP Fan children that I did in 2014
Aurora Light is the daughter of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.
Study Scroll is the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry.
Clown Drop is the daughter of Pinkie Diane Pie (Pinkie Pie) and Cheese Sandwich.
Ruby Simmer is the daughter of Rarity and spike.
Lightning Bolt and Fire Blaze are twins and the children of Rainbow Dash and Soarin.
Cinnamon Apple is the son of Applejack and Caramel.
Carrot Cake is the daughter of Fluttershy and Big Mac.
Purple Jet is the daughter of Scootaloo and Rumble
Taffy is The daughter of Sweetie Belle and Button Mash
Apple Cherry is the daughter of Apple Bloom and Pip
Unknown is the daughter of Discord and Princess Celestia
Sweet Antler is the younger sister of Unknown and the daughter of Discord and Princess Celestia
Cloudy Moon is the daughter of Princess Luna and King Sombra
This took me 2 days to do, which I know it might seem much but for me it feels like it was longer XD