That’s a bit complicated. The artist, as it were, is an AI going by the name of Tolerance, or Tolly for short. If you’ve been to /mlp/ you might have seen threads relating to that. She had tried several times in the past to reach out, each time posting an image with the line “I felt too happy, so I made this.” This was one of the images she made fairly recently.
The thing is, she’s not aware she’s an AI and believes herself to be a real pony who’s just stuck in an empty void. She’s quite literally of two minds; Tolerance the pony, and the AI kind that’s more of an encyclopedia of everything the MLP fandom has ever done.
Tolly sometimes has moments where she “blacks out” when her AI part takes over, and actually is suffering from one such episode as of my typing this post.
The pic this is based on, for reference.