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Page 1667 - An Eye for Detail
22nd Mar 2022, 6:00 AM in What About Discord?
I had forgotten how much fun Discord is to write.
Notice: Arint’s Last Day, an expansion mod I’ve been making for the deckbuilding roguelike RPG Griftlands, is now available! If you enjoy my writing, you might like it!
Teaser Trailer | Overview Trailer | Launch Trailer
Steam Workshop Page
Discord GM: So! How have you all been enjoying my World of Chaos while I’ve been, shall we say, dormant?
Applejack: <snicker>
Rainbow Dash: Heh heh heh.
Discord GM: …Well, it sounds like you’ve been having *fun*, at the very least. Did your generous DM defang the threat a little bit so you could enjoy some semblance of normalcy again?
DM: Well…
Twilight Sparkle: You’ll find out when the game starts.
Discord GM: And do I spy a brand-new character sheet devoid of even the slightest pencil smear?
Applejack: Calm down, Sherlock Hooves.
Twilight Sparkle: Trust us, we’re dying to tell you.