Cotton Candy is friendly and laid back, so she’s easy to get along with. She might seem like that she doesn’t things seriously, but actually, she’s a very caring pony who tries her best to help everyone around her. Cotton is also a bit of a ladies mare, she’s always surrounded by beautiful mares, and she’s kind to mares to a fault. Cotton genuinely respects mares and wants to protect them.
Cotton Candy is also quite stubborn. She doesn’t give up, even when she’s turned down more than once. She doesn’t like to rely on others either. Cotton wants to do things on her own, because that’s how she thinks she should handle them. In short, she’s one who takes on everyone’s worries so they all can be happy all while appearing happy herself.
Cutie Mark:
Cotton’s talent is basically making cotton candy. But she’s able to shape her cotton candy to anything the customer wants! If they want rainbow cotton candy, then sure! A heart shaped? Double sure!