Original Description:
‘kay, the storyline:
It’s Scootaloo’s birthday as a little filly and of course, she asks if the Wonderbolts can perform at her party. And they do, with Rainbow Dash as the new star of it. In the evening, she takes Scootie for a walk, before stealing the filly away to an old house in a secluded area of the forest. Scootaloo asks to go home but Dash says that this is her new home now…Realizing that the filly was in trouble, she attempts to escape but Rainbow stops her, saying it’s okay to be afraid but Scootaloo has to be a good filly and stay. So giving in, the little pegasus lives with her hero who has gone insane, always watching her. Now a teen, Rainbow Dash trust her more and leaves Scootaloo for a while, leading her to finally escape but a storm’s brewing….
So yah, pretty weird but y’know, I’m just testing the comic waters.