Original Description:
Originally posted on: February 25, 2019, 7:19 PM UTC
MLP [Next Gen] Holy Mind
I n f o r m a t i o n
Name: Prince Hily Mind
Gender: male
Species: p**egasus**
Age: 13
Personality: closed, real bookworm, irritable**
Mother: Princess Twilight Sparkle
Father: Prince Flash Sentry**
Siblings: Shimmer Sparkle (senior sister**),** Bright Star** (senior sister**)**
Short bio: From early childhood he loves books and constantly reads them. He also learns from home schooling to communicate less with other ponies.
No matter how much Twilight told him about the importance of friendship, he preferred books to friends. Because of this, can not fly.
But because of one annoying pony (Night Sparkling), he slowly began to take root in society and learn to fly.
Unaware, he began to wait for a meeting with her
Art by DinkyDooLove
Base by ??????