Original Description:
Originally posted on: December 10, 2018, 2:43 PM UTC
MLP - Gulnara [Next Gen]
I n f o r m a t i o n
Name: Gulnara
Gender: female
Species: earths
Age: 18
Personality: shy, cute, speaks only with family, strong
Mother: Marble Pie
Father: Big Mac**
Siblings: Mantent (senior brother)
Short bio: Gulnara has two mothers: Belle and Marble. But she does not mind.
Thanks to mom Marble and Aunt Maud, she gained a love of sculpture. Thanks to Fluttershy, she fell in love with flowers and animals.
At 10, she began making sculptures and got her mark.
All her life she helped the sisters to bake and did not forget her favorite pastime - to create sculptures.
Once she and her sisters Apple and Pie went to the Crystal Empire to help prepare for the fair. Gulnara was responsible for creating the sculptures from crystals. She was assisted by a Transfix guard in this matter. Their relationship did not work out due to Gulnara’s silence. (But they have it in the future)
Upon returning from the Crystal Empire, she was engaged in familiar affairs***
Art by DinkyDooLove
Base by MissCupcake333
Mlp pony base #25 - Stars