Original Description:
commission for SensAtlan of fluttershy having a get-together with luna, still pretty afraid of her, but she’s doing her best.
it’s been a very long time since i last drew luna so it was interesting trying to figure out how i want her to look in my current style, especially since i don’t like to mess around too much with character designs in commissions. one of these days i do want to finally sit down and draw out my own headcanons for each of the four different ponies, including how i handle each pony types’ unique markings and behaviors. (i did give fluttershy hair-matching hooves, which is something i don’t usually do, but i just wanted to try it out and see how i felt about it.)
also while looking up luna’s colors i was reminded of how dull her canon magic color is, girl why’s it so bland??? twilight gets a hot pink, starlight gets bright teal, and luna gets a lil’ pastel purple??? she’s a princess my dudes. did not allow that.
anyway, hope you like it!