Original Description:
Originally posted on: January 14, 2017, 4:07 PM UTC
Summer Day
Say hi to my new cootie patotie seapony (like half dolphin)
so she was an adopt but as no one wanted her, i keep her >:3 , maaaybe someday i will sell her but for now i want to draw her all the time ^^
just look at her ! >:v her fishy cute tail and her ENOURMOUS …eyes
So anyway, heres a short info a bout her :3
name: Summer day
nicknames: Summy , tsumugi (froma manga character)
gender: mare
language: english/japanese (uses -chan -san -sama)
personality: curious, happy,
sexuality: bisexual but its most attracted to mares ovo
talent: swimming, protects the ponys who go to her beach (like a lifesaver), makings friends, have fun with them and make them happy
likes: FRUITSSSS (specially watermelon) , making friends and swimmign with them, saving lifes of ponies drowing
deslikes: wearing clothes (you little nudist), people that see her weird because is a seapony (she doesn’t get angry, she just gets sad)
Backstory :
(my grammar is getting worse so i apologize if i make some mistakes)
When Summy was a little filly (6), her family and her lived in a sea zone near the beach, as she was growing up (17), that beach was starting to being occupied by ponies to take sun baths and swim happily, this was no bother to Summy family but they would prefer being in a place with not too much ponies, so they wanted to find another beach to keep living, but sunny was curious about all the no-sea ponies, so she escaped from her family and returned to the beach when there was a family screamign for help, Sunny went fast and finded out that there was a pony in the sea , so as shes is a sea pony with a very high swimming speed, she swimmed as fast as she could to grab pony going more and more deep , when she finally cought him, she brought him back to the beach safe and sound, the family thanked her with tears and she gave them a hug, the pony she saved wanted to be friends with her and visit her everyweekend,(he was her very first friend she made ) when Sunny came back to her family they were very worried and she told them “I dont want to leave this beach… there are ponies that could drown and they need me, i already saved one and made friends with him, and i liked it… i think i have to stay here” , her family gasped and didnt understood it at first but then they realized that if she saved a pony with no difficulty and with instinct, that must be what earth ponies call cutiemark and talent, the father, leader of the family said “that if that makes you happy, we will accept, but only with one condition! we will come to visit you and meet you friends “ then they hugged togheter and her family leaved the beach that now in the present shes a lovely lifesaver of all the ponies that come visit her beach