Original Description:
Hello there! I would like to introduce you to the lovely Rouge Claw. She is a pony based off the very cool looking flower known as the lobster claw or better known as the Heliconia. She is a seapony with the qualities of a lobster, which includes her shell like body and her walking legs. Her tail resembles the plant to almost a tee and her cutie mark is a lobster claw holding onto the plant for obvious reasons. She is of a rare breed of seapony that only live in the tropics. The seaponies have qualities of other marine life, like she does with the qualities of a lobster.
Her personality is filled with passion and fun. She has a strong passion towards plant life, especially ones that can be found underwater. She runs an underwater botanical garden that is open for the general public. She loves caring for and teaching other creatures about the plants she grows. Her passion is to find as many rare plants as possible and learn everything she can about them.