Original Description:
More of that idea where Penumbra was raised by the Apple Fam!! Get ready to read, y’all.
- Applejack and Blueblood grieve as they receive their new family member
“Thank you for even considering adopting him, Applejack. You have no idea how much this act of pure kindness means to me…” Celestia spoke softly to the orange mare. Applejack nodded, grimacing.
“It was my pleasure, yer highness. Jus’ couldn’t stand thinkin’ ‘bout that boy goin’ to a downright awful home.” She answered back, her hat to her chest respectfully. “I’m jus’ left wonderin’ why nunna his kinfolk took ‘em in?”
Celestia’s gaze averted for a moment, before focusing her sight back on AJ. “I contacted both Shining Armor and Cadance in the Crystal Empire and the child’s grandparents. Shining made note that, for safety’s sake, to keep the child away from the Empire- both because of Sombra possibly lurking nearby and the Crystal Heart’s magic- since the boy is part Umbrum. As for his grandparents, they both have busy daily lives- and are getting up there in age. Plus- there is… hardly any prey around here for him.” She muttered the last bit, a bit squeamish to even mention it. AJ tilted her head.
“Yes… Umbrum are carnivorous. They hunt and eat meat to survive. Canterlot is not exactly the best place for finding wild animals daily. That is why I suggested he have a home in Ponyville, near plenty of open areas to roam and feed.”
Applejack was a bit shocked at this revelation, but her eyebrows soon knitted with determination. “I understand. I promise, so long as I can help it, I will take care of this boy, even if it’s with my dyin’ breath.” She exclaimed, settling her hat back on her head. Celestia smiled warmly at this, walking over to the little baby carriage before picking up the tiny colt inside, handing him over to the other mare. She hid her oncoming tears when she dipped her head down towards Applejack, bowing in gratitude.
“Again… thank you.”
The corner of Applejack’s mouth twitched, her throat burning, but she held back. “It’s what Twi woulda wanted…”
The orange pony finally returned home to Sweet Apple Acres. She was emotionally exhausted. She entered the house, hanging her hat on the rack as her pristine white husband trotted up to greet her. His smile was genuine, eyes bright, as he looked down at her. “Welcome home, my darling!” Blueblood chimed, happy that his wife was back.
Applejack barely responded, giving a simple “thanks”. She looked sullen as she plopped down on the kitchen floor with the bundle in her forelegs, moving the blanket gently as Blueblood sat next to her, looking down. The fluffy, purple colt cooed softly in his sleep as his new parents stared at him. Blueblood’s smile suddenly looked weaker, as AJ attempted one. “He’s a real beauty, ain’t he, Hun…?”
“Yes… he is very beautiful, my dear. I am happy we were able to adopt him as one of our own…”
AJ finally looked up at her husband with a gaze filled with sorrow. “But at what cost…..? I lost one’a my best friends… I- this~~” She paused to look back down at the baby, tears welling. “This is all I got left’a her… I just wish I could’ve….” She finally broke, tears streaming down her cheeks, soaking them, but her eyes didn’t leave the baby. Blueblood shifted, sitting behind her as he lay his jaw softly atop Applejack’s head. A single tear rolled down his face, he knew this was hard on his wife~~ it was hard on him too, even if he wasn’t as close to the Princess of Friendship.
“I know, Darling… I know.” He murmured. “It is a lot to take in at one time… but you are strong- the strongest mare I know… and I will be by your side… So whenever you are weak- please tell me. I wish to help in any way that I am able. This family and this farm has always leaned on you… it is time you lean on someone else for once.” He moved his head down to the side of her face, planting a small kiss to her wet cheek. She sniffled and nuzzled into him.
“Thanks, Blue…” She finally moved away, wiping her tears before getting up. “I reckon ya got the baby room all made up?”
“Indeed I do, Dear!” Blueblood hopped onto his hooves, suddenly ecstatic. “I’ve been so excited to show you! Come on!” He cantered off towards the stairs. Before following, Applejack looked down at the baby a final time.
“Welcome to the Apple Family, Penumbra.”
- 1 year old Fancy Free (known as Crispin at this age), meeting his new baby brother, Penumbra (which is practically a newborn)
- Aftermath of 15 year old Pen ridding of a pack of timberwolves on the farm late one night
The last of the mangy Everfree beasts finally scampered away in fright, the large stallion watching it leave. “Yeah… yeah ya better run! No-good, flea-bitten-…”he knew he was in for it now.
Penumbra flopped over onto his stomach, worn out and sore, the wounds on him bleeding continuously. He panted, his breath sounding wheezy. He laid there in the cold grass, just letting the crisp night air drift over him as he rested. Suddenly, the silence was broken, and his ears perked up as the hoof beats of a galloping mare fast approached.
“Penumbra!” He could hear Applejack bellow, raising his head off the ground to see her skid to a halt in front of him. She was shaking as she stood there, bawling her eyes out.
“Ma…” Was the only word he muttered before Applejack’s tongue began lashing.
“Ya big idiot! What’n the fresh cotton-pickin’ hell was on yer mind, boy?!” She started, face scowling. Pen’s ears pinned back
“Ma- I-” He tried, but the words died on his tongue. She waited there in front of him, expression unchanging.she was really enraged. His eyes drifted over to the barn.
“Yeah? You what, boy? Tell it t’me! Why’dja come out here with a damn death wish?” She snapped. Pen looked at the ground for a moment. It was so odd hearing Applejack curse
“Timberwolves… came in and destroyed half our harvested produce last year… ‘Member…? We struggled with money- I just- I thought they were gon’ do that again~~” He looked back up at AJ, voice cracking. “I din’t mean t’ scare ya, Ma~~ I jus’ din’t want us t’ suffer again… I din’t wanna see ya scrimp fer any last bit ya had… I jus’ wanted t’ help-”ain’t no ‘mount of money in this whole WORLD could replace yer life- between you an’ the harvest, aint no competition…” She shakily replied, squeezing him a little. She hiccuped as her body began to heave. “What in tarnation was I t’do if I lost you?! I already lost yer mother-
In that moment, AJ swooped down, enveloping Pen in a hug as she sobbed. “Hun”o… okay…? I’m sorry…”
Pen’s one eye that was open widened, the guilt crushing him as AJ finished. “I… I can’t lose you too… I jus’ can’t do it…”
The stallion in her grip turned his head, nuzzling his face into her shoulder. “I won’t… I won’t do it again, Ma… I won’t fight unless I absolutely gotta
Applejack didn’t say a thing in response. All she did was watch in horror as that timberwolf shaped mark appeared on Pen’s flank.