Original Description:
This is Crisostomo-Ibarra from deviantART and I am participating for the sixth Derpibooru Community Collaboration this 2022. This is my late submission for this year’s Collaboration, resembling what I drew in the previous year. I know this is quite late since I am right now not as dedicated to the brony fandom as I have previous years, given several things happened to me for that year, such as having graduated collage and landed an online job. If successfully put into the final picture, this would mark my fourth consecutive year for the year-end annual collaborations on this site. Once again, I am grateful and thankful to my wonderful brony friends that I made it at this point, and as such, like with my previous installments, certain OC’s will be making their return. The following OC’s are as follows from left to right:
1.) Silvermane (Silverbrony97)
2.) Connie the Casanova (ConnieTheCasanova)
3.) Summer Sketch (SummerSketch-MLP)
4.) Radiant Sword (Radiant-Sword)
5.) Princess Fantasy Star (PrincessFantasyStar)
6.) Midnight Shadows (MidnightShadowsVA)
7.) Paint Sketch (My personal ponysona)
8.) Cyber Gamer (Digigex90)
9.) Chaud Starpower (ChaudTheGamer)
10.) Author Penfeather (Courageous-0f-Light)
11.) Bright Idea
12.) Ryan (AngryBeavers1997/MaldonisTheLynx)
13.) Aspen (DoraeArtDreams-Aspy)