Original Description:
Look at this sweet baby! Her name is Pumpkin Patch and I love her! :‘D
Patch, the youngest of five children, grew up on a farm where her family grew mostly squash, gourds, and pumpkins. They lived a pretty simple life since farming didn’t make all that much money, but they were content with it. During the fall season, their profits were always much higher, and they were able to afford to keep more of their produce for themselves. Patch’s father would bake pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin cake– anything you could imagine involving pumpkins and a lot of sugar. The family always looked forward to these treats, and they became something of a tradition.
One fateful season, the farm’s profits suddenly skyrocketed, all thanks to one thing: pumpkin spice. Bakeries, restaurants, ice cream shops, candy makers– everypony wanted pumpkins. The family quickly found themselves with more wealth than they knew what to do with. Soon after the beginning of the pumpkin spice craze, when Patch was six years old, they sold their farm and moved into town.
While Pumpkin Patch’s parents were thrilled about being able to afford city life, she and her siblings missed the farm. In town, there wasn’t nearly enough room for them. They were used to being able to frolic through miles of open fields and splash around in the brook behind the shed. Now, the most they got was the small fountain in the center of town. Eventually, they got used to the new life, and each of them made friends in school, but they still looked back fondly on their days at the farm.
Patch came to adore any food with pumpkin in it, as it reminds her of when she was little.