Honestly hope i can enjoy it^^ make my new friends<3
And in fact i join here in December 19 2019😅😅😅 (i really forgot about that lol)
Amityverse only belong me :iconhsuamity:,:iconchoisky13:,:iconrainboweevee-da:,:iconejlightning007arts:,:icongregoryco123:
Base by :iconelementbases:
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And that’s why she hates her own mother instead she likes her own father just like Chis Chan did to his mother for his incest predofile
I had no idea she was controversial from what, admittedly limited, stuff I have seen of her. I suppose to be fair, the language disconnect may play a roll in misunderstandings and drama, as she certainly doesn’t seem to have the best grasp of English, but often such a “disconnect” (problems grasping language and meaning, like Autism) plus a little hotheadedness plays a roll in such figures now doesn’t it? Now to be fair, I am not saying she is a bad person or anything, just throwing my two cents if she is that way.
She can be both.
She’s the Taiwaniese Chris Chan
Is she the one who blocked me because she didn’t like that I didn’t like Beast Morphers?