Original Description:
Originally posted on: October 5, 2015, 8:24 PM UTC
Jack-O-Lantern Cutie Mark Auction Closed
I think this is technically my first Halloween piece ever? Not sure…
Edit: Lowered the Autobuy from $31 because I know that’s ridiculous for a CM, even if it’s a Halloween joke. xD;;
- Bid Only what you can afford
- Payment must be ready within 48 hours
- You may change what you like after winning
- Please be Polite
SPECIAL RULES:- This auction is for ONE cutie mark, it’s an EITHER OR SITUATION.
- If bidding goes beyond a $15 I will gift the winner the second color option to be used as a second cutiemark or an alternate etc (Ex: Full Moon turns it White)
- Autobuying also unlocks both options for Winner’s use + I will spiff up the secondary Jack-O-Lantern to be used for a different Pony if wished (Color Change, Expression Change etc)
Starting Bid: $5 USD
Minimum Bid increase: $1
Autobuy: $22
Auction Ends 48 hours after last bid or Oct 15th at 8PM PST.