Original Description:
After Twilight encouraged the original alicorn to train her, Spike, Whooves, and Gabby road the jet stream, they had taken, all the way to a town, in the sky, called Cloud Coco Land. Once they landed on a cloud, they noticed that it was as easy to stand on as hard deep thick snow. Whooves pointed this out, knowing that earth ponies had a harder time standing on clouds. Gabby came up with some possibilities, but before any could be agreed on, the sound of a window breaking was heard. It turned out there was a riot in the distance. In fact, it seemed to be a racism-related riot, with minotaurs attacking and property destroying dragons, and dragons attacking and property destroying minotaurs. Buildings, horns, trash cans, claws, it was all being damaged by the riot.
Frightened, Spike, Gabby, and the doctor slowly approached, but stopped halfway. By chance, a dragon was thrown at them, nearly landing on them. “What’s going on?” Gabby asked. The dragon admitted that this riot was a race riot, and that it had been going on for years, before flying away. Spike did not know what a race riot was. So Doctor Whooves had to explain that some creatures disregard other creatures for being and looking different, and that make would sometimes create feuds between those races, resulting in total chaos. Spike looked at the riot, but soon noticed something familiar. He realized it was a piece of a dormant element, on top of a statue. Gabby tried to go after it, but Whooves stopped her, claiming it was too dangerous, and they had to wait until the riot was over. Spike reminded him that the dragon claimed that it had been going on for months. The doctor only had one solution. “… then I guess we’re going to have to stop it.”
First, they tried to stop the riot with an attention whistle, but it did not work. Next, They tried to find security, but there wasn’t even a post of cops, especially since their station was destroyed. Doctor Whooves tried to talk it out, but every time he did so, he was either ignored or had something thrown at him. Gabby and Spike even tried to fly over the riot, to the statue, but they were soon knocked down before they could even get there.
Eventually, they ran out of ideas. Spike suggested that he try singing. Although Whooves claimed that it would not make a difference from trying to talk it out. “… but it worked, when I encouraged every-pony not to see Thorax as a threat.” Spike replied. “Well, what might your encouraging song be called?” Doctor Whooves asked. Spike called it “Different but the Same” and it went as follows.
When we are different,
We can include.
When we are the same,
The odd exclude.
Less races cause more to feud,
From riots to getting sued.
Race riots are an ego trip,
Which blinds us from a valued tip.