Have approved and unapproved OvO
Well I talk to you of i like
I approved is my sweet bros and sisters UwU for example is Rainbow Eevee,EJ,Choi, Gregory, Savannah,Brush and others my sweet friends UwU
They’re nice to me
I unapproved is who steals my art add jerk
Foe example is Annisa aka guruyunus17
She is Fuck thief and bitch OvO
She Stealing mine and others artwork and ocs
She lies me and others
She Harass me and others my friends
She is annoying 🙄🙄🙄
Fuck bitch for her #$#$@$$
Amity by me
Savannah London by:iconcelestiaisbestponyyt:
Cotton star by :iconcottoncandy1210:
Diana Paintbrush by :iconstellamoonshineyt:
Prisma Nocturnal by :iconprismborealisdash:
Brush Prism by :iconbrush-prism:
Choi by :iconchoisky13:
Rainbow Eevee by :iconrainboweevee-da:
EJ by :iconejlightning007arts:
Gregory Griffon by :icongregoryco123: