Original Description:
Originally posted on: July 24, 2015, 3:55 PM UTC
Young Candlewick and Heralda
Poor wittle Candlewick.
That’s what Heralda’s hair looked like when she was still too young to care about appearance, and before she cut it into a Mohawk for her helmet.
Candlewick has a problem when it comes to making friends, it’s very difficult for him. So when he believes he has the opportunity to make a friend, he does anything possible to keep them, even if that means enduring some hardships, and if there’s anyone better to be friends with, it’s family.
Heralda tends to play a little too rough, sometimes on purpose because she likes getting into fights, even with her parents. However, when Candlewick doesn’t tattle-tale, this puts her in a position she’s not used to; one without conflict. And she takes advantage of it. She now has a servant (though she calls him lieutenant out loud) who will do whatever she wants, and a wrestling buddy who (thanks to his dragon like strength) can actually take what she’s dishing out (mostly).
It wasn’t long after when their playdates became more frequent, that Candlewick started pursuing Healing Magic and Medicine. Purely for “Academic Research” that had no relation to the amount of scrapes and bruises he was hiding. Studying Medicine also helped him on his path to studying Science.
(And yes their parents did notice that Heralda was abusing him, they’re not blind, they talked to her and all that stuff, but most of the time it was Candlewick who wanted to go see her because he wanted a big sister like how his mother would go on about her big brother. He liked having someone who he believed could look out for him and be his friend. Plus at the time she was the only one not treating him like a freak. His other friends were young and sometimes they would say mean things without meaning it as harshly as he took it).