Original Description:
Here’s Zecora wearing her outfit from Equestria Girls.
What’s that? You don’t remember Zecora being in Equestria Girls?
That’s because she wasn’t, but they still made a toy for her.
I was inspired by https://zacatron94.deviantart.com/ pictures of ponies wearing their Equestria Girls outfits.
You can find them here https://zacatron94.deviantart.com/gallery/46977393/Ponies-Equestria-Girls-Outfits
Zecora was made from a screenshot of the show
Outfit was based on this toy http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/1/13/Zecora_Equestria_Girls_Ponymania_doll.png/revision/latest?cb=20140610184404 and this box art https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-tHxqNnSFNbY/VBJ_k-UANBI/AAAAAAAAFjg/Iel38CO_TfQ/w800-h800/My-Little-Pony-Equestria-Girls-Zecora-Game-1292014.png