Original Description:
The Two Sombras Theory
Despite being seemingly reformed, Sombra came back on the show, almost as if the siege of the Crystal Empire never even happened, key word being “almost”. In reality, when Radiant Hope and the alicorns tried to save Sombra, they ended up accidentally spitting him into two individuals. The socially awkward, but good natured Sombra Blankflank, and the charismatic but dangerous Umbrum Sombra. This would explain why king Sombra’s voices sound different. Furthermore, Grogar said that he was banished to the shadow realm instead of mentioning him dying. This is because Radiant Hope had already brought him back to life before Grogar was even referenced. Furthermore, Sombra didn’t use mind control in season 3 nor the comics, meaning that he might had learned or wrote new spells since then, and clearly had been practicing, since there were few who were not controlled. Overall, Umbrum Sombra has been making devious plots, while Sombra Blankflank at the same time has been searching with hope to find the shards of Amore.