1st - Rainbow Dash 13 minutes 00 Seconds
2nd - Pinkie Pie 14 minutes 00 Seconds
3rd - Shining Armor 15 minutes 00 Seconds
4th - Princess Luna 16 minutes 00 Seconds
5th - Starlight Glimmer 18 minutes 00 Seconds
6th - Sunset Shimmer 20 minutes 00 Seconds
7th - Twilight Sparkle 22 minutes 00 Seconds
8th - Sandbar 24 minutes 00 Seconds
9th - Applejack 27 minutes 00 Seconds
10th - Fluttershy 30 minutes 00 Seconds
You get the results in Time Attack based on how fast you are:
5 minutes 00 Seconds - 59 Seconds (Perfect)
6 minutes 00 Seconds - 59 Seconds (Excellent)
7 minutes 00 Seconds - 8 minutes 59 Seconds (Amazing)
9 minutes 00 Seconds - 10 minutes 59 Seconds (Great)
11 minutes 00 Seconds - 12 minutes 59 seconds (Good)
13 minutes 00 Seconds - 14 minutes 59 seconds (Okay)
15 minutes 00 Seconds or higher (Bad)
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna, Starlight Glimmer, Sandbar, Applejack, and Fluttershy vectors are owned by
Shining Armor vector is owned by
Sunset Shimmer vector is owned by
Twilight Sparkle vector is owned by
Background is owned by
Notes: Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are the only two ponies who got an okay score. The other 8 has bad scores (Shining Armor has the least bad score with a time of 15 minutes and 00 seconds while Fluttershy has the most bad score with a time of 30 minutes and 00 seconds).