Original Description:
Originally posted on: July 11, 2017, 11:18 PM UTC
Crack Ship Family
Ty - “Smile for the Picture, hun%”
Demon Heart - “C’mon you guys. How about you stop being gross for once?!”
Demon Heart is a pony-deer hybrid and the son of TyandagaArt and AeonOfDreams You’ll never guess who came up with his nameXD. This little colt tries very badly to make others think that he’s a grumpy, unsocial, strong, big boy. In fact, he is quite a softy and loves everything that’s cute in any way like tiny pancakes, baby animals and cute interactions between his dads. Not that he’d ever admit it.
You might be wondering why Ty isn’t wearing the gem or his scarf. Well..
The gem Ty was wearing on his scarf was in fact an old artifact crafted by descendants of starswhirl the bearded which powers up a unicorns magic. Since Ty is no unicorn he gifted it to his coltfriend who was very grateful for this special gift%
About the scarf - Aeon has been complaining about it for quite some time because - as you might have spotted already, Tys neck is REALLY fluffy which can be perfectly used as a pillow after a long, exhausting days.
First sketched Demon Heart here:
Next Gen doodle dump by Schokocream
I wasn’t planing to draw my next gen crack ship babies but I REALLY liked his design so I drew this. I also feel like changing the design for grown up ponies. The next days I’ll propably try a few different styles.