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safe2250732 derpibooru import1643748 adagio dazzle17083 ahuizotl962 alice the reindeer163 all aboard91 aloe3237 amethyst maresbury52 amethyst star2923 angel bunny11646 angel wings341 apple bloom64178 apple rose370 apple strudel138 applejack211664 aria blaze12983 aunt holiday455 aunt orange434 auntie applesauce346 auntie lofty405 aurora the reindeer119 autumn blaze5815 babs seed6777 basil411 biff209 big daddy mccolt111 big macintosh35469 blaze374 bloomberg157 blossomforth1693 bon bon19765 boneless530 bori the reindeer155 boulder (pet)1571 bow hothoof1563 braeburn7328 bright mac1789 bulk biceps3859 canter zoom98 capper dapperpaws1854 captain celaeno1395 carrot cake2549 chancellor neighsay929 chancellor puddinghead419 cheerilee11736 cheese sandwich5125 cherry jubilee1285 chestnut magnifico201 chickadee960 chief thunderhooves311 clear skies201 clear sky601 cloudchaser4276 cloudy quartz1891 clover the clever445 coco pommel7582 coconut cream310 coloratura3702 colter sobchak156 commander hurricane479 constance96 cookie crumbles1471 coriander cumin173 cozy glow10990 cranky doodle donkey1226 cup cake5110 daisy2910 daring do7405 davenport127 dean cadance1693 derpy hooves59991 diamond tiara12913 discord39008 dj pon-334539 doctor caballeron912 doctor fauna630 doctor horse450 doctor muffin top86 doctor stable453 doctor whooves11878 donut joe923 double diamond1932 dumbbell753 fancypants2564 feather bangs636 featherweight1423 filthy rich1333 fire streak303 firelight564 flam2494 flash magnus975 flash sentry15636 fleetfoot2688 fleur-de-lis4902 flim2617 flitter3451 flower wishes2764 fluffy clouds74 fluttershy273115 fuchsia blush859 gabby3342 gaea everfree643 gallus9147 garble2243 gentle breeze569 gilda11851 gizmo214 gladmane190 gloriosa daisy2047 golden gavel79 goldie delicious434 grampa gruff486 grand pear335 granny smith6196 greta485 grogar1808 grubber893 gummy5787 gustave le grande272 harry612 hayseed turnip truck287 high winds300 hoity toity1172 hondo flanks688 hoops508 igneous rock pie1178 indigo zap3101 inky rose661 iron will1477 jack pot361 jeff letrotski240 jet set533 junebug450 juniper montage1738 king sombra18068 kiwi lollipop576 late show22 lavender lace885 lemon hearts2581 lemon zest3873 lightning dust5531 lily2390 lily lace236 lily valley2403 limestone pie6655 little strongheart928 lord tirek6773 lotus blossom3353 luster dawn2239 lyra heartstrings35813 ma hooffield72 madame leflour492 mane allgood357 mane-iac1857 manny roar244 marble pie8974 matilda607 maud pie15720 mayor mare4070 meadowbrook969 microchips1498 minuette7100 mistmane940 misty fly664 moondancer6504 mosely orange183 mr. stripes83 mr. turnip295 mrs. paleo87 ms. harshwhinny2922 ms. peachbottom962 mudbriar1022 mulia mild147 night glider1576 night light3133 nightmare moon21454 nurse redheart4647 oak nut38 ocean flow165 ocellus6858 octavia melody28905 olden pony75 on stage52 opalescence2451 open skies135 orthros213 owlowiscious2253 party favor1749 peachy pie148 pear butter4094 peewee319 petunia paleo260 pharynx1370 philomena1250 photo finish3113 pinkie pie270260 pipsqueak3418 pish posh58 pistachio257 pixel pizazz466 plaid stripes315 posey shy1999 pound cake3183 prim hemline199 prince blueblood4738 prince rutherford891 princess cadance43243 princess celestia118988 princess ember9020 princess flurry heart10185 princess luna123733 princess platinum723 princess skystar2463 principal abacus cinch1257 principal celestia4849 private pansy338 pumpkin cake2904 quarterback215 queen chrysalis44852 queen novo1853 quibble pants1720 rainbow dash294963 randolph107 rarity229523 raspberry beret100 ray167 reginald79 ripley81 rockhoof1310 rocky411 rogue (character)205 roma58 roseluck6425 rumble4873 saffron masala1865 sandalwood1260 sandbar6947 sapphire shores1187 sassy saddles1409 sci-twi32881 scootaloo62278 scorpan415 seabreeze570 sheriff silverstar275 shining armor29748 silver frames67 silver lining320 silver shill198 silver spoon8611 silver zoom318 silverstream7894 sir lintsalot254 sky beak215 sky stinger655 sludge (g4)407 smart cookie312 smarty pants1607 smoky145 smoky jr.141 smolder11752 smooze908 snails5898 snap shutter351 snips4676 soarin'18596 softpad138 somnambula2400 sonata dusk17349 songbird serenade1426 sour sweet4258 sparkler2765 spearhead172 sphinx (character)1033 spike95870 spike the regular dog3162 spitfire16452 spoiled rich1598 star swirl the bearded2348 star tracker555 stardom24 starlight glimmer63578 starstreak107 steamer72 stellar eclipse204 stellar flare1766 steven magnet624 storm king1442 strawberry sunrise470 stygian1021 sugar belle3843 sugarcoat4075 sunburst9377 sunny daze156 sunny flare3350 sunset shimmer85067 sunshower190 supernova zap589 suri polomare1505 surprise3561 svengallop464 swan song98 sweetie belle60458 sweetie drops19764 tank3266 tantabus612 tempest shadow18565 tender taps911 terramar997 thorax5570 thunderlane5107 timber spruce2161 toe-tapper281 tom947 toola roola1039 torch song275 tree hugger3617 trenderhoof1002 trixie82941 trouble shoes1459 twilight sparkle372495 twilight velvet5923 twinkleshine2720 twist3278 uncle orange329 upper crust789 vance van vendington71 vapor trail1397 vice principal luna3498 vignette valencia1075 vinyl scratch34604 violet blurr421 wallflower blush3187 wind rider283 wind sprint859 windy whistles3218 winona3033 withers214 yona6523 zecora11709 zephyr breeze3132 zesty gourmand296 zippoorwhill538 alicorn427597 anthro386537 arimaspi93 bat3026 bear1789 bee1624 bird12897 breezie2873 bufogren61 bugbear225 cerberus298 changeling81854 chimera631 cipactli77 cockatrice616 cragadile132 crocodile372 diamond dog4146 dog13126 dragon114217 earth pony627335 eel117 fish3873 flash bee89 fly399 fly-der72 fruit bat394 gargoyle384 headless horse300 human230330 hybrid31355 hydra561 living apple125 manticore665 maulwurf40 ophiotaurus97 parasprite2295 pegasus695384 pigasus41 pony1918294 pukwudgie75 quarray eel74 roc177 sphinx2456 spider2396 tatzlwurm267 timber wolf1861 unicorn685413 ursa250 ursa minor662 vampire fruit bat210 whirling mungtooth86 windigo773 equestria girls271206 my little pony: the movie20338 alumnus shining armor302 apple21655 apple family member3426 big bucks52 biteacuda49 brothers1477 bunyip9 butternut51 claude84 clone2932 falcon156 flim flam brothers1477 food103397 guardiangoyle33 headless997 henchmen406 hooffield family176 identical twins261 jackalope139 mccolt family248 mr. paleo65 multeity2884 multiple heads2046 pinkie clone887 plunder seeds100 royal guard10710 shadowbolts2259 shelldon80 shelly87 siblings26012 slingtail7 storm guard390 student six2077 teddie safari102 theodore donald "donny" kerabatsos99 three heads662 tier list72 tiermaker20 tree51084 twin brothers239 twins3518 twittermite162 two heads904 wall of tags6026 winterzilla87


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Finn Mertens
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -

I’m human! So what?
And what exactly is this a tier list for? I’m guessing it’s for the characters they like. But this list doesn’t even make any sense. Some of these aren’t even actually characters. Some of them are literally just inanimate objects.