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After 3 months of work, here is the MLP G4 Megacollab! Featuring 343 characters from the show and the movies, by 132 artists. Thank you to everyone who made this possible and every artist who participated. It’s been a lot of fun!
Link to the list of characters and their assigned artist
This collab is not an official Derpibooru collab, but rather a third-party community project.

safe2251529 artist:aanotherpony56 artist:agcreativaartly1 artist:aj flame ss616 artist:alexdti985 artist:alexsc112129 artist:aliceg234 artist:anontheanon523 artist:another_pony155 artist:aquaeverglow2 artist:ashtoneer309 artist:balychen43 artist:beadedwolf229 artist:beardie950 artist:brisineo352 artist:cadillacdynamite207 artist:chaokievery3 artist:chelseawest437 artist:czu1258 artist:dafiltafish359 artist:danger_above24 artist:danstar1 artist:darkodraco104 artist:davierocket251 artist:daynightcycle7 artist:defiantfox41 artist:derp!1 artist:derpyalex298 artist:dinexistente665 artist:djdavid98161 artist:donnik49 artist:drawingblanks5 artist:dreamweaverpony86 artist:dummyhorse113 artist:echodraws1 artist:falafeljake428 artist:faultsunrise11 artist:fedot1xa1 artist:fladdrarblyg96 artist:frecklesfanatic211 artist:frist441441 artist:fumalunga135 artist:funnystargalloper7 artist:gatebreakergt6 artist:ghostskvllz1 artist:gobiraptor11 artist:h3nger267 artist:hari1 artist:hazyspark1 artist:huffylime61 artist:iamglimm4 artist:infamousrebel5 artist:jargon scott3336 artist:jearkdns1 artist:jellysiek187 artist:jenndylyon25 artist:joey273 artist:kadus5 artist:kaylerustone128 artist:king-kakapo1351 artist:lemonadierpixel2 artist:lightningbolt1242 artist:lockbox1 artist:lunnitavaldez208 artist:machacapigeon119 artist:mareschizo7 artist:melisareb626 artist:memeancholy102 artist:mkogwheel1152 artist:moonatik1587 artist:naa_artist2 artist:necromarecy62 artist:nighty85 artist:northern wind8 artist:not-immortal61 artist:opalacorn1431 artist:pabbley2844 artist:paint star2 artist:paperbagpony1271 artist:parfait306 artist:pertdegert51 artist:pfeffaroo702 artist:phantom arts8 artist:phazerarts5 artist:pinky1023683 artist:pirill321 artist:piropie22 artist:pizzavioletgirl5 artist:plaguemare165 artist:pony quarantine1904 artist:ponynamedmixtape251 artist:poxy_boxy381 artist:puffysmosh36 artist:reddthebat726 artist:renderpoint255 artist:retro72 artist:rossponeart7 artist:sailor50 artist:seafooddinner251 artist:shacy's pagelings59 artist:shadowingartist14 artist:shoophoerse88 artist:silbernepegasus31 artist:sketchiix396 artist:skookz132 artist:skyfarer6 artist:snus-kun326 artist:soulcentinel191 artist:sourcherry421 artist:spellboundcanvas438 artist:spntax73 artist:squidoart1 artist:srbolsa20 artist:superduperath59 artist:termyotter157 artist:testostepone753 artist:the smiling pony806 artist:the-minuscule-task520 artist:therealegg4 artist:threetwotwo322321914 artist:tyler2 artist:valthonis55 artist:vashtwiist36 artist:wallparty19 artist:wallswallswalls439 artist:wenni334 artist:wren122 artist:yelowcrom226 artist:yipsy33 artist:yoditax1264 artist:zenaquaria1 derpibooru import1644942 ponerpics import8485 adagio dazzle17088 ahuizotl962 all aboard91 allie way598 aloe3238 amethyst star2923 angel bunny11650 angel wings341 apple bloom64193 apple fritter901 apple rose370 apple split328 apple strudel138 applejack211697 appointed rounds70 aria blaze12988 aunt holiday455 auntie applesauce346 auntie lofty405 autumn afternoon201 autumn blaze5816 babs seed6778 ballista161 barley barrel331 beauty brass538 berry punch7540 berryshine7498 big macintosh35475 blaze374 bloomberg158 blossomforth1694 bon bon19767 bow hothoof1563 braeburn7329 bright mac1790 bulk biceps3859 burnt oak174 button mash5009 caesar364 candy mane329 capper dapperpaws1854 captain celaeno1395 care package167 carrot cake2550 carrot top6160 cayenne383 chancellor neighsay929 cheerilee11738 cheese sandwich5125 cherry berry2518 cherry jubilee1285 chickadee960 chief thunderhooves311 cinder glow1181 clear sky601 cloudchaser4277 cloudy quartz1891 coco pommel7583 coloratura3703 cookie crumbles1471 coriander cumin173 cozy glow10995 cranky doodle donkey1228 cup cake5110 daisy2911 daring do7406 davenport127 daybreaker4411 dear darling258 derpy hooves60018 descent195 diamond tiara12914 dinky hooves4937 discord39016 dj pon-334548 doctor caballeron912 doctor fauna630 doctor whooves11888 donut joe923 double diamond1932 dragon lord torch397 dumbbell753 fancypants2565 feather bangs637 featherweight1423 fern flare126 fiddlesticks523 fido603 filthy rich1333 fire flare155 fire streak303 firelight565 flam2494 flash magnus975 flash sentry15637 fleetfoot2689 fleur-de-lis4903 flim2617 flitter3451 florina tart215 flower wishes2765 fluttershy273181 fond feather250 forest fall183 fresh coat286 funnel web58 gabby3342 gallus9147 garble2243 gentle breeze569 gilda11852 gladmane190 golden harvest6160 goldie delicious434 gourmand ramsay85 grace manewitz399 grampa gruff486 grand pear340 granny smith6199 greta485 grogar1808 grubber893 gummy5787 gustave le grande272 hayseed turnip truck287 high winds300 hoity toity1172 hondo flanks688 hoo'far608 hoops508 igneous rock pie1178 inky rose661 iron will1477 jack pot361 jasmine leaf266 jet set534 junebug450 kerfuffle753 kettle corn299 king sombra18077 lemon hearts2581 li'l cheese878 lightning bolt1078 lightning dust5532 lily2390 lily longsocks481 lily valley2403 limestone pie6661 little strongheart928 lord tirek6775 lotus blossom3354 luster dawn2239 lyra heartstrings35820 mane allgood358 maple brown151 marble pie8976 matilda607 maud pie15722 mayor mare4070 meadowbrook969 minty1791 minuette7102 mistmane940 misty fly664 moondancer6505 moondancer's sister94 moonlight raven561 morning roast97 mr. stripes83 ms. harshwhinny2926 ms. peachbottom962 mudbriar1023 mulia mild147 night glider1576 night light3134 nightmare moon21476 nightshade498 noi834 north point75 nurse coldheart244 nurse redheart4650 nurse snowheart201 ocean flow165 ocellus6861 octavia melody28910 opalescence2451 owlowiscious2253 party favor1749 peachy pie148 peachy sweet326 pear butter4095 perfect pace325 petunia paleo260 petunia petals234 pharynx1370 philomena1250 photo finish3116 pickle barrel270 pinkie pie270361 pipsqueak3417 plaid stripes315 pokey pierce1602 pony of shadows684 posey shy2000 pound cake3184 prim hemline199 prince blueblood4739 prince rutherford891 princess cadance43256 princess celestia119030 princess ember9022 princess flurry heart10189 princess luna123788 prominence264 pumpkin cake2906 pumpkin smoke179 quarterback215 queen chrysalis44870 quibble pants1720 quiet gestures87 rain shine661 rainbow dash295019 rainbowshine1172 rainy day81 randolph107 rarity229571 raspberry beret100 raspberry vinaigrette125 raven1178 ripley81 rockhoof1310 roma58 roseluck6426 rover1108 royal ribbon308 ruby pinch1490 rumble4876 saffron masala1865 sandbar6947 sapphire shores1189 sassy saddles1409 scootaloo62285 scorpan415 screw loose618 screwball1625 seabreeze570 shady daze443 sheriff silverstar276 shining armor29757 silver lining320 silver sable95 silver shill198 silver spoon8613 silver zoom318 silverstream7895 skeedaddle242 skellinore252 sky beak215 sky stinger655 sludge (g4)407 smarty pants1607 smolder11755 smooze908 snails5898 snap shutter352 snips4677 snow hope65 soarin'18598 somnambula2400 sonata dusk17352 songbird serenade1427 sparkler2765 spearhead172 special delivery167 spike95885 spitfire16454 spoiled rich1599 spot534 star dancer121 star hunter376 star swirl the bearded2348 star tracker555 starlight glimmer63603 steamer73 stellar eclipse204 stellar flare1766 steven magnet624 strawberry sunrise470 stygian1021 sugar belle3843 summer flare1181 sunburst9380 sunny daze156 sunny skies161 sunset shimmer85094 sunshine smiles315 suri polomare1505 surprise3562 svengallop464 sweet biscuit487 sweetie belle60466 sweetie drops19766 swoon song261 tank3266 tantabus613 tempest shadow18567 tender taps911 terramar997 thorax5570 thunderlane5107 tianhuo1199 toe-tapper281 toola roola1039 torch song275 tree hugger3617 trenderhoof1002 trixie82959 trouble shoes1459 twilight sparkle372611 twilight velvet5923 twinkleshine2720 twist3280 upper crust790 valley glamour95 vapor trail1397 vinyl scratch34613 white lightning1083 whoa nelly304 wind rider283 windy whistles3218 winona3033 winter flame186 yona6523 zecora11709 zephyr breeze3133 zesty gourmand297 zippoorwhill538 alicorn427789 bird12901 breezie2874 bugbear225 cerberus298 changeling81894 chimera631 cipactli77 diamond dog4161 dragon114264 earth pony627555 griffon37253 hippogriff13899 hybrid31373 hydra561 kirin16260 longma1253 manticore665 pegasus695611 pony1918904 roc177 seapony (g4)6980 siren2885 sphinx2457 timber wolf1862 unicorn685727 windigo774 yak6074 zebra25508 collaboration7141 them's fightin' herds8246 my little pony: the movie20340 the break up breakdown798 the last problem8230 absurd file size3060 absurd resolution74691 apple family member3426 blossom burst5 boulder350 boy bullies26 breezette44 brothers1477 claude84 cloud44314 cloudsdale1649 colt20271 count caesar129 fangs42198 female1703832 filly98342 fins2866 fish tail3402 flim flam brothers1477 flying55380 foal47829 food103439 forest16423 g4 mega collab29 gem9047 great wall of tags10 guardian angel13 horn263447 identical twins261 male511752 manehattan1313 mare920650 moody root26 mountain7794 mr. hoofington35 mrs. hoofington38 muffin7741 multiple heads2047 pillars of equestria327 river2812 river song56 river song (character)49 rusty bucket85 scales2340 shadowbolts2262 siblings26021 siren gem2372 sitting95209 sky23889 slit eyes8009 spa twins1625 stallion182076 sunspot19 sunspot (character)67 teddie safari102 three heads662 tree51134 true form256 twin brothers239 twins3519 wall of blue47 wall of tags6028 water26180 wings234486


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Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Yeah, honestly same. One of the mods in particular seemed awfully intent in hounding on anyone who was having even a smidge of fun and levity in the chat or constructive criticism to art and, basically, singlehandedly did as much to kill any sense of community in the place as three days worth of constant twitter drama for the political shit.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
@Anonymous #79C7  
Held behind closed doors character assignment after promising randomization, several high-profile artists in the group alleged to me that they rigged this to maintain an air of community whilst snagging high profile characters for high profile community members. The organizers, despite it being a project specifically created against community divisions banned a member for their politics, then slapped the mod who did it on the wrist, only doing that much when I held them to it hard. I have dozens of screenshotted messages from the head organizer that indicate corruption, manipulation and otherwise shady and evasive behavior on behalf of the organizer team. They had no principles and were more focused on getting a project out than on doing things right, by their own admission.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Despite not appearing often, Twicane was a great character. I’m glad she was included.
Aw, it looks like Limestone ended up with Tom. How sweet.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
This was one of the worst projects I’ve ever been a part of artistically. The runners were unable to properly handle anything. The only competent member of the team trusted untrustworthy people and genuinely I did not enjoy a single moment of drawing Photo Finish for the collaboration.