Original Description:
I don’t like g5’s designs so I took a stab at redesigning them! I mostly just wanted shape language and color/theme coordination back so I made them have distinct shapes (circles, triangles, squares), distinct colors (reds/blues/purples) and a connecting theme (art/music/dance)!
Pipp Petals (headcanon rename Pitch Petals cause again pipp is weird) has a fun mane cause i based it on this ♫ shape! She’s built from squares to show she’s refined and orderly. Also gave her mane hair gradients to look more lively
i wanted to stay as true to the originals as possible because they’re not BAD designs! I just think that g4’s shape language, color coordination amongst the m6, and diverse character themes felt way stronger. You can look at any M6 and immediately sort of know what they’re about
this sort of character design isn’t STRICTLY necessary in every show, but I think strong shape and color language really helps a show pop, as well as is helpful for youngin’s really grasp a character concept via drawing upon certain imagery with your color and shape choices
G5’s mane six felt like a blob of pinks and purples when you looked at them as a group (with zipp and hitch being outliers that didn’t have anything to counterpart that well) the magic of the M6 was looking at them at a group had a rainbow effect on the eye!