Original Description:
Thanks to drcool13, for “Comfy”.
Thanks to vile-flesh, for “Picturesque”.
Thanks to autinbrony, for “Schizophrenic”. I have a few friends like Fluttershy, they bottle up all of their negative feelings, always saying things are okay, until they’ve just had too much and explode; far from actual schizophrenia.
Thanks to Ericia, for “Vampire”.
Thanks to Antionette, for “Yarn”.
Thanks to Natalia, for “Polaroid Camera”.
A decent set. I feel Schizophrenic suffered a bit because I didn’t finalize my sketch, same with yarn. Polaroid Camera isn’t the best because I didn’t looks at any models while doing it, besides Harry, and I had to kinda squish him in there. Still, fun, and three that I’m happy with.
If you want to help me be happy, give me a word on my Status Update!