Original Description:
The new mane 5, Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp, and Pipp, and the Auto Ponies go on an adventure and they’re lead to a weird location. The ponies were walking through a dark cold cave when a pool was spotted and they took a look. Sideswipe, acting like mr. know-it-all claimed it was a portal so he jumps in, everypony else follows, but then the pool acted up and it turns into a whirlpool, the ponies realizing their mistake try to get out but instead are sunk in. As a result, Bumblebee, who was leading the expedition opens his eyes to see his friends all trying to hold their breath when he looses consciousness due to lack of oxygen. On screen, there’s Izzy (The pony in the very front), at the right, behind her is Sunny, to her left is Hot Rod, and the further right is Sideswipe, and furthest is Chromia. There’s more ponies but their offscreen and not in Bee’s POV. But don’t worry, they’re not meeting their end of life, they will get saved by someone. That’s all I can tell.
Spoilers: For those of you who haven’t watched the movie, Sunny becomes an Alicorn with golden wings, but that’s all I can say for now. So please, don’t ask about why Sunny is an artificial alicorn and not an Earth Pony, and her hair is different.