rarity - fantina (fancy girl)
twilight - shauntal (purple egghead prurple egghead)
pinkie - whitney (jolly pink girl)
applejack - misty (for tomboy… I cant think of anyone
luna: sabrina (best pony - best leader XD)
fluttershy - jasmine (shy girl carer of sick animals
nm - karen (dark womans)
discord - blaine ( trolling - riddles)
celestia - cinthya (OF COURSE)
sombra - giovanni
cmc - cilan and his brothers
cheerilee - roxanne (shes a teacher too.. not?)
zecora - aloe (lol)
babycakes - tate and liza)
iron will - chuck
shining - steven
lyra- lyra (oh really?)
sunset motherbucking oak - gary motherfucking oak