Original Description:
One iced latte with breast milk I mean birb milk I mean birb MILF I mean…
I thought I would finally jump on this meme bandwagon. This is the first time I’ve drawn anything anthro in like 4 years? My last attempt (or shall I say first) was pretty bad and I am personally ashamed of it. But its been a while and I wanted to give it another go. Besides, we need more saucy Novo images. I might even do a saucy offshoot of Novoember, but we’ll see…
The arms hands were the worst part. I tried everything to make them look at least decent enough, but honestly they just ended up looking off and weird. Everything else turned out surprisingly okay.
And yeah, I know it looks rough and kinda bad, but if I’m being honest, it looks WAY better than my last attempt at anthro (>>1362827). It could have looked worse…