Original Description:
My favorite scene creation for VaM dances yet, an awesome concert stage for Rarity’s stunning solo performance! It’s of course pieced together from other people’s asset imports into Virt-a-Mate (I’m not at all talented like that) but I’ve done a fair share of in-app customization, and I think it looks great! Plus I love this outfit ensemble.
…all of which is failing to mention that this also features my “final” version of human Rarity in VaM. After, like, over 30 versions and thousands of edits over many many months, she’s finally truly gorgeous, and she looks (damn near feels, thanks to VaM physics) just as beautiful in VR! Going back and looking at the older versions I’m a bit embarrassed; I’ll be sad if I come back some day looking at this one in the same way. That said it took awhile for all the useful bits and pieces to manifest within the VaM resource pool, so it wasn’t ENTIRELY my fault…
The scene is amazing in action during a dance (reflective floor, active floor fire, towers of drifting shard floaties), but I’m bad at making good WebM files. Can’t get them to render too well and it takes forever. Still need new compy ;_; Thinking about posting this one to YouTube though!