Original Description:
Originally posted on: July 26, 2019, 5:08 AM UTC
Entropy Sketch Dump
Sooooo I made these rough sketches to help understand how Entropy (who is the nightmare moon version of Discord) is like Mage Meadowbrook Emoticon #15. I imagine him to be more of a grown up than Discord as he doesn’t waste his time with silly parlor tricks and childish things. He is tactical and strategic in whatever he does to enforce his goals and is able to adapt to sudden changes if necessary. His whole being is fueled not only by chaos but also anger and pain from Discord so it makes him to seek revenge on the ponies especially with the very ones that turned him into stone. Discord isn’t totally gone, though, and fights with Entropy to try get back control but fails until Twilight helps free him. He fights his evil self but seems to be losing as he is on his last thread….I will make more but I hope you guys like what I put out right here^-^Entropy Design was created with the help of MysteriousShine