This is just a small lil’ GIF cut from the animation cycle I decided to create for the sake of polishing my After Effects skills (don’t wanna get too rusty, y’know?), and considering it’s been so long since the last time I brought everyone’s favourite blue-skinned devil into the spotlight, I just thought… Might as well, why not?
The full thing (the animation cycle with sound effects and BGM… You know, all the fanfare) will be around for your viewing (and other endeavors) pleasure pretty soon (day or two at the most) at my usual sites where such delectable eyecandy can be appreciated fully and freely.
I’ll post a journal letting you guys know when it’s up for you peoples to go hunt it down (I can’t give specifics due to DA’s policy regarding adult content, but you’re clever chums, I believe in your cunning wit).
Until then…
Fate out!!!