Original Description:
All created in Procreate!
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Anthropomorphic version of Lavender Tea with all her pierces, body markings, wings, and loveliness! <3
Been testing my anthro styling lately, you have no idea how much I’ve been drawing anthropomorphic characters lately, they appear to give me a lot of energy and a lot of motivation drawing something different and a lot more interesting in my opinion! ;v;
One other thing about Lavender Tea is that she LOVES to sunbath and by the larger areas on her body shows how tanned she has become being on beaches and surfing the day away! <33
The outfit she is currently wearing on the right was personally detailed by ‘Lady Poprocks’ from one of her Summer Scorch lines, Lavender loved the outfit so much she decided to order and buy a customized outfit from the fashion designer before ‘Lady’s outfits become open to the public. She has become the main model for ‘Lady Poprock’s fashions lines because of her respect, attraction, and business opportunities that the unicorn offered to her. <3
[Including masks, tee-shirts, hoodies, stickers, paper pins, booklets and more!]
Character belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Original Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
1798x1369px 486.22 KB
© 2021 InspiredPixels