Original Description:
(Oh, and I’m really crappy at writing, so take it easy.)
It was the end of the day on the apple farm, and the family was clearing out the confetti and extra sweets that were left from the reunion.
“Ahm gonna hit the hay” grunted Big Mac, in a rare fit of dialogue.
“Alright, goodnight honey.”
As Rarity waved goodbye to her tired husband, she noticed that Photo Finish had left behind her camera. Before returning it, she thought, she should take a picture of her children. With Swan Song away in Canterlot for many moons at a time, when was the next time all three would be in the same place?
She picked up the camera, and ushered for her kids to join in the corner of the barn.
Anabelle reached to put her hoof behind her sister, but it was slapped aside.
“Mal, hon, go stand next to your sister.”
Mal got up and walked over to Ana, who was standing next to her mother, softly whimpering and looking at her sore hoof.
“No, Sweetie, I meant next to Swan”
As he arrived near his half-sister, and started to smile in preparation of the picture, Swan Song suddenly yelled in a fit of anger, “YOU WILL NEVER BE MY BROTHER.”