On Tuesday, Applejack turned. Her vitae tasted sweeter than the apples she harvested. The hardiest pony had to be turned first! Twilight had to learn that there was no resisting the True Night!
On Wednesday, Rainbow Dash turned. Such strong flesh under that windswept fur, but when her teeth broke through, the athletic pony’s essence was the sweetest she had.
On Thursday, Rarity turned. The whimpering, pleading unicorn cringed at the thought of another pony’s teeth sinking into her elegant neck. But Fluttebat drained not even half her blood before her whimpering turned into weak moans.
On Friday, Pinkie turned. Pinkie insisted she didn’t want to be turned. Flutterbat insisted she did. Pinkie insisted she didn’t. Flutterbat insisted she did. Pinke insisted she didn’t. Flutterbat insisted… she didn’t. Pinkie insisted she did. Flutterbat shrugged and drained the candy-tasted essence from the pink mare.
Now the mane six is reunited under the True Night. The sun would blacken, and everypony in Equestria would join the Brood of Flutterbat!