Original Description:
More, MORE iconnsss!! ;<;;;
Sorry for all the spamming artwork, I’m just having a BLAST being about to draw some of my fan characters and doing so many in such a short amount of time! <3333 I decided to try and do a un-pony related character to see how they look and I’m honestly quite fond on how they came out. <33 But they still need a little more practice on position and perhaps making the head slightly larger so it fills the square a little more. <333
Iita Icon 1.0 by InspiredPixels Newt Icon 1.0 by InspiredPixels
Iita and Newt are owned by :iconinspiredpixels:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
100x50px 4.31 KB
Published: Mar 11, 2019