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Page 1570 - Elegant Practicality
7th Aug 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery CureSometimes overthinking things is more of a trained response than a natural inclination.
Rarity: I think it’s reasonable that Rarity would be bad at this. My instinct would be to make the sky pretty and beautiful, but… What makes a sky beautiful and what makes a dress beautiful are two very different things.
Applejack: Yeh, Ah imagine clouds ain’t too keen on bein’ pressed into geometrically pleasin’ shapes.
Pinkie Pie: And fabric doesn’t rain, gust, hail, or shoot lightning at you if you bunch it up wrong, but I sure bet those clouds do!
DM: Not to mention the effect it has on the townsfolk.
Rarity: Oh yes, that would be the most distressing part. Even though Rarity knows this is a chaos-induced reality, the fact that all her neighbors are mad at her and she can’t help but make it worse… <sigh>
Rainbow Dash: Well, Rainbow Dash is here to do her job and save the day, so uh… I mean, unless you wanted to milk more drama out of it a bit longer…
Rarity: Oh… No no, I’m done. By all means, get me out of this.
Rainbow Dash: So… just clear the clouds?
Fluttershy: That’s right. Just be there and help your friend in need.
Rainbow Dash: I don’t really get it, but okay!
Fluttershy: It’s worth at least giving it a chance, right?
Rainbow Dash: It worked for you, so I guess I have no reason not to try… Just feels… weird.
DM: Give me an Athletics check.
Rainbow Dash: <roll> Uh, 29.
DM: That’s more than enough.
DM: The first of many stormy clouds disperses in a single kick.
Rainbow Dash: That’s… it? No puzzle, no incantation? No big “gotcha” twist?
DM: Nope.
Rainbow Dash: …Huh. I could get used to this.