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Page 1565 - Food for Thought
27th Jul 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery CureDespite her athletic aspirations, Rainbow Dash still strikes me as a “vegetarian pizza at every opportunity” kind of character.I can’t believe this webcomic is going to turn 10 years old tomorrow. Yes, that’s right, this comic got started on July 28th, 2011. And has been updating thrice weekly - almost without fail - for nearly a decade.I wish I had the energy to make it more of an “event.” I’ve been working all summer (and long before that) on a game project, so I don’t have a whole lot of energy for a big shebang. So all I might have is a long, rambly blog post or something tomorrow, I dunno.Thank you all for sticking with it, regardless.Today’s the day. 10 years. I made a long, rambly, melancholy blog post for the occasion
Fluttershy: Um… so… I’d like to try getting the animals to calm down?
DM: Alright, give me a Nature check. Just your skill, without any Cutie Mark bonus.
Applejack: Thankfully her skill is pretty high on its own…
Fluttershy: <roll> Oh, um… 23.
Pinkie Pie: Ouch! High skill, low roll.
DM: Normally that result is pretty high, but this is a LOT of animals in a frenzy you’re trying to calm down. A few of them slow down and pay attention to you, but they don’t look ready to let Rainbow Dash go yet.
Fluttershy: Oh no… Is it too hard to do this without my Cutie Mark…? Can I not try again…?
DM: Well, you can’t just re-roll a skill check, but if you find a way to change the circumstances significantly, you can make another attempt.
Fluttershy: Oh! Um… How about I feed them, then? Rainbow Dash probably hasn’t emptied my pantry, right?
Rainbow Dash: Depends. What kinda food you got?
Fluttershy: Mixed nuts and salad, mostly.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, hard pass.