Original Description:
Page 1564 - A Friend In Need
24th Jul 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery CureThis is going to be one of those pages where the punchline’s more in the middle than at the end. If you read Rainbow Dash’s line in panel 3 with a cute squeaky affectation at the end, then I was successful at my job today.
Fluttershy: So, um, how are we supposed to fix this, then?
Twilight Sparkle: You need to help Rainbow Dash. Help her get the animals under control.
Fluttershy: But… I don’t have my Cutie Mark special talent… I can’t really communicate with animals – Rainbow has that power right now.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, and all I’m getting is ^*“Down with the tyrant!!”*^
Twilight Sparkle: That’s true, you don’t have that Cutie Mark. But Rainbow Dash is still your friend, right?
Fluttershy: Of course!
Twilight Sparkle: Then be there for her. Help her.
Fluttershy: Okay… I’ll try. I think I see where you’re going with this.
DM: That makes one of us.