Original Description:
“I’m not even sure if I am capable of getting a cutie mark, fillies.” Sombra said, adjusting himself in the small seat.
“Well we technically helped a griffon get a cutie mark, an unbrum shouldn’t be that hard.” Sweetie Belle levitated a piece of paper in front of her, Sombra watching her horn glow intently.
“Well not anymore an unbrum, but perhaps I am a bit old to have a cutie mark.” Sombra slightly shifted in his seat, trying to stay upright.
“Pfffft.” Scootaloo waved her hoof. “Nobodies too old to get a cutie mark, besides, we’ve never disappointed any creature that asked for our help before.”
“Well Twilight suggested that I go to you three, I honestly feel like I don’t need a cutie mark.”
Applebloom huffed heavily out her nose while her eyes widened. “Don’t need a cutie mark?! Are you sure you’re a pony?”
“I’m not entirely sure what I am, fillies.” Sombras brows furrowed in thought, before he was pulled back by Scootaloo.
“Well whatever you are Sombra, I guarantee you that there’s gonna be a cutie mark on that flank by the end of the week!”
“Today’s Friday.” Sweetie Belle intruded.
“Make that next week.” Applebloom smiled at the stallion, who gave a rather twisted, but sweet one back.
“Right, but first, I’m hungry.” Scootaloo mumbled lazily, leaping down from her seat and stretching. “I’m dying for some fucking burgers.”
“You kiss your mother with that mouth, pegasus?” Sombra raised his brow, following behind the rest of the crusaders.
“Only when she’s not gone for eight months.”