Original Description:
Fillies and Gentlecolts, may I please (re)introduce my draconequus, Bedlam!
I’ve had this little fella for several years, but I had to put him on hiatus for a year while I searched for a design that didn’t look quite so much like Discord (brown fur, grey head, etc.).
Well, now he’s back and better than ever! I decided to try a few new elements, like having him run on air instead of flying, and communicating through sign language (he’s in the process of making the ASL sign for ‘friend’).
He’s lived in Equestria for many years, but since he’s mostly nocturnal and lives in solitude from other creatures, nopony knew he existed until just recently, when he asked to enroll at The School of Friendship. He’s pretty shy around strangers, a feeling that isn’t helped by much of the student body being nervous around draconequuses (thanks a lot, Discord), but The Student Six welcomed him with open arms, and he’s slowly but surely feeling more at home in the school.
Once he gets a better hold on his powers, Princess Luna invited him to work an internship with her with monitoring The Dream Realm. Bedlam enjoys the peace and darkness of nighttime, and he’s developed a strong fascination with dream magic. He’s got a long way to go, but he’s on the right track.