Original Description:
Fallout Equestria: Raider life.
character info 2
name: Lancer
Race: Unicorn
Gender: male
Faction: Sparkle-World Raiders (The Operators)
Rank: Operators Sniper
age: 42
weapon of choice: Handmade Shambu Rifle (Operators colours)
amour of choice: Operators Heavy
Likes: Fine dining, Sparkle World, Slaves, Bits and Bottle Caps, Gold, Alcohol, Silver, anything High class, Alicorns
dislikes: The Disciples, The Pack, non High class things, Swamps, commoners, metal Music, cold Drinks, Zebras
Talents: Very good shot, impaling things with his horn, Barter, Smooth talker
Group roll: Marksmen
personality: Arrogant and Elitist