Original Description:
Originally posted on: June 28, 2021, 8:48 AM UTC
CaramelVerse- Rainbow Dash redesign
Moving one to RD! I always liked Rainbow, and it was fun to redesign a colorful Pegasus ^^
Name: Double Rainbow “Rainbow Blitz”
Nicknames: Dashie(parents), Rainbow Crash(childhood bullies), Darling(Rarity)
Gender: Trans Male [He/Him] (Straight Ally)
Parents: Bow Hothoof(Father), Windy Whistles(Mother)
Siblings: Scootaloo(Adopted sister)
Partner(s): Rarity Aura Belle(Wife)
Occupation: Former Wonderbolts member, current Wonderbolts captainHeadcanons:
-Rainbow’s given birth name is actually Double Rainbow. His parents gave him that name because of his very colorful rainbow mane, a rare trait in Pegasi, and even more so in Unicorns or Earth-Ponies. Rainbow changed his name to Rainbow Blitz because he thought it sounded cooler.-As you probably already noticed, Rainbow is FtM Trans in this Au/Ng! He transition during his late teen years, a couple years before the first show episode and meeting Twilight.-Fluttershy was the first friend Rainbow made, back when they were foals. They’ve been best friends long before the Mane 6. Rainbow and Flutters are very close, since they’ve supported each-other through their coming-outs, and Rainbow is very appreciative that Fluttershy was there for him then he transitioned.-Scootaloo is Rainbow’s adopted sister! Scootaloo’s “parents” were never her parents or good ponies in general. Scoots was given to her aunts after her birth, and for some years she was taken care of by them until Windy Whistles and Bow Hothoof officially adopted her. Scootaloo doesn’t care about her bio parents, and loves both her family’s sides. Rainbow loves his little sister very much too, and is proud that she looks up to him so much.