Original Description:
While the fusion mare that is Charitable Nature tends to be a shy, timid and reclusive mare whom tends to her crafts and duties as a veterinarian and a naturalist or her fashionista career. She also has moments when her pride and her self confidence build up to encourage the fusion to crawl beyond her shell and to begin to set herself for more formal public appearances. Where such chores like brushing ones mane, styling, and mane quires can be a mental bout that eventually (despite Flutters crawling and scratching in an attempt to resist) are managed by her Rarity side. Such balance allows the pegasus and unicorn fusion (whom appears like an alicorn but is not) the chance to become more productive mare and to tackle the anxieties and shared fears and other social issues that these two mares either openly expressed suffer from. All in the effort to help other ponies whom might have similar fears as she once had…