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Original Description:
“selected shots from a recovered camera”
nothing really much to say except that i wanted to try out some styles as well as garner a feel on how im doing after about a year with a digital art pad. apart from that, i also just wanted to draw something with these two, anything at all, be it them battling it out or enjoying each other’s company. that being said, i kinda wish i did so with their other forms, because trying to figure out how future Smolder works is pretty hard when you’re only given how she’s sitting and flying mostly in 3/4 form view and im awful when it comes to translating the stuff from my brain to actual paper (or i guess digital platform or something idk).
im writing this at 4:30 in the morning and thought to release it now just to tell you all that i am not dead (as mentioned). i come and go and such and there’s a lot more coming your way real soon. for now, may this piece satisfy you for a bit. or not, in which case welpers.
Fun Fact: I am experiencing life at the moment and it is bloody awesome.