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Original Description:
disappointment. Nova and Honey have been at each others throats since Nova dyed Honeys mane blue in retaliation for Honey letting her pet centipedes crawl through her desk. Nova thinks Honey is a mad bug mare while Honey thinks Nova is a annoy witch. Daydreamer just wishes her friends got along~
4: Reindeer OC, Kersennaglow and second thorax/Spike child, June bug. Senna is Dutch and came to Equestria from a far away land to learn about ponies and their customs. She is very large and generally sweet, despite not understanding a few things. I also made her dutch cause… reindeer I guess? Honestly, I don’t remember.
5: Our trio, getting ready to work. Senna and June bug are friends of Pop n’ Jay, my SpitfirexZephyr child.5
5: More Senna.
6: Happy Junebug~
7: Me coming to a decision about how to draw her.
Senna was adopted from Cabbage-Arts but I changed her name. Junebug was adopted from tu-kierownik